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hello. it's eric bakker. author of candidacrusher. thank you for tuning into this youtube video today. today, i'd like to talk to youa bit about candida yeast infections. what is candida? what are candida yeast infections?candida is a type of fungus. it's basically a type of yeast. it is quite common for theseyeast to appear and grow inside peoples' bodies, as well as on the surface of their body. candidais commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of people and also in the vaginal areaof women. it can also be found in the throat, mouth, and on the skin surfaces of people.it can become quite a problem when it becomes an invasive infection, and particularly inthose who have got a compromised immune system. as i mentioned, it's a normally occurringyeast that inhabits the gastrointestinal tract
of more than 90 percent of people. it's commonlykept in check by beneficial bacteria and other beneficial yeasts. it can migrate quite easilyfrom the vaginal area of women, from the rectal area into the vaginal area and cause vaginalthrush. this is quite a common occurrence with many women. the overgrowth can also affectmen, women, as well as children. this condition can underpin many different chronic illnesses.it's frequently misdiagnosed by many people in the health care profession. it's commonlymisdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome and even inflammatory bowel syndrome by lots ofpractitioners. one of the leading causes as you're going to see in this presentation isantibiotics. low-grade stress, in particular, chronic ongoing stress is often one of thebig causes of a yeast infection. but so are
diets that can be laden in sugar and yeasts.here, you can actually see a picture of candida, the particular form. you can see the littlebuds here that can break off and grow into new yeasts. candida is quite an amazing organismwith how it can reproduce and spread through the body, and it can evade detection by theimmune system. it's very clever how it can mutate, change, grow, and evade destructionby the immune system. what are some of the main causes of a candidayeast infection? well, these are the main 11 causes, and you can also see another youtubevideo on this particular slide here. antibiotic drugs are one of the leading causes of yeastinfection. since the advent of antibiotics, there has been a very big increase in yeastinfections in people right across the board.
antibiotics in meat are quite incredible howmuch antibiotics are used in poultry, for example. many thousands of kilograms of antibioticsare used every year in america and many countries across the world in the food chain, as wellas pharmaceutical drugs. antibiotics found in foods are big causes of yeast infectionsbecause they kill beneficial bacteria and allow yeast to thrive.underlying immune deficiencies. some people are actually born with immune weaknesses thatcan predispose them to a yeast infection. steroid drugs or other pharmaceutical drugscan undermine a person's health and be a causative factor. alcohol is a huge cause of yeast infections.men who drink beer regularly and women or men who drink wine or beer can be particularlyprone to yeast infections. particularly those
who are under stress, taking antibiotics,consume reasonable amounts of alcohol. you don't have to be a big drinker to get a yeastinfection. but maintaining regular alcohol consumption along with sweet foods, breads,candies, chocolates, these things can all predispose you to a yeast infection. candidafriendly diets are diets high in soda drinks, ice cream, bagels, donuts, packaged cereals,jelly, or jell-o; take away foods, all these sorts of diets can contribute to a candidayeast infection. stress can be a huge causative factor. stressactually can cause a depletion of the hormone "cortisol" long term, and cortisol is a veryimportant steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland, which has a very powerful effecton creating a strong immune presence in the
body. with chronic ongoing stress, we cancommonly find a person has an increased susceptibility to a yeast infection.exposure to toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, mercury fillings has been linked with theliberation of methyl mercury in the mouth. some experts argue that there is no associationwith yeast infections, but many other experts believe there is a clear-cut association withmethyl mercury and yeast infection. diabetes. of course, people with particularlytype 2 diabetes will have elevated blood sugar levels that can make a person more prone tohaving a yeast infection. as they maintain unchecked levels of blood sugar, it makesit easy for candida to grow. and, of course, they urinate out large amounts of sugar andthat can cause all sorts of yeast problems
in that part of the body.chlorinated water has been implicated. chlorine can be anti-bacterial and allow yeast to thrive.and, of course, mold exposure. we find in new zealand and many other temperate zoneswhere people use a lot of heating inside that mold can be a big causative factor and helpto increase yeast infection in many people. what are some of the typical signs and symptomsof a yeast infection? you can read them here and you can also look at yeastinfection.org.i've got quite a few pages up on that website showing you the common signs and symptomsand the less common signs and symptoms. but these are the common ones you'll find withdigestive problems like bloating and gas, food allergies, vaginal thrush, mood disorders,poor memory, poor concentration, brain fog
is a key symptom we find quite a lot, tiredand malaise, toenail fungus, tinea, athlete's foot, urinary candida manifestations, menstrualproblems, libido issues, painful muscles and joints, constipation and diarrhea are verycommon symptoms, many sorts of respiratory allergies and issues, sinusitis, hay fever,persistent cough, phlegm, even heart arrhythmias have been linked with yeast infections. andpoor nails and skin are typical signs and symptoms. lesser common ones can be headaches,but i see them quite a bit, too, in people with chronic infections.candida can affect your body in multiple ways. here, you can see a typical concern with thefeet, athlete's foot here, very common with people. and toenails can look quite distortedand quite terrible. libido can be affected
because when a woman has vaginal thrush ora guy has jock itch, it can undermine the ability for people to be intimate in theirrelationship. skin manifestations, very, very common with yeast infections and commonlymisdiagnosed as being psoriasis or another kind of a skin condition.anxiety, depression, lots of stressed people can get this condition. lots of bloating andgas. we commonly see this with people. lots of burping. lots of farting. very common withbeer drinkers and ice cream eaters and people who crave sweets. they get a lot of fermentationdysbiosis, so poor bacteria and yeast will thrive in this whole gut area.here, we've got periorbital around the mouth kind of a rash. this could easily be misdiagnosedas being dermatitis, but a skin scraping and
culture will soon reveal that it is, indeed,a yeast infection. here, we have a gentlemen with probably a sinus headache, not feelinggood at all, maybe taking pain relief, probably not knowing that he's probably got an aspergillusor a yeast kind of infection there in the maxillary sinus or in the frontal sinus. avery common manifestation of a yeast infection is a sinus infection.here, we have a lady with a skin rash of the hand, another yeast kind of infection. here,we have a gentlemen who's coughing. it's common to have mucous, phlegm, and post-nasal dripwith a yeast infection. and, of course, stomach cramps, bowel issues, gas, constipation, diarrhea,bloating, pain in the small joints. candida can cause lots of low-grade inflammationsin the body. it can cause a lot of pain. you
can see particularly common here. they havepain on the left side lower down in the abdominal region. the descending colon, the sigmoidcolon, is a key area i find where people will often have issues. it can commonly be misdiagnosedas constipation or bowel pockets, diverticulitis, when, in fact, it can be a yeast infectioncommon in the bowel. these are some quite awful toenails that isee from time to time in people. patients sometimes use drugs like lamisil, but teatree oil will be found quite effective in this case. here, we have a typical case ofjock itch. i see jock itch in many males. here, we have a psoriatic lesion. i'm currentlyworking on an e-book on psoriasis because i see psoriasis to be mainly a yeast infection.once i clear candida up in a psoriasis patient,
the psoriasis disappears. i have verifiedthis in well over 100 cases. the common medical approach of candida infections,candida, is generally undiagnosed. a proper stool test is not really performed on thesepatients. sometimes they'll have a urinary culture or smear test for thrush, but it'sseen as a nuisance illness, as a sort of side effect from antibiotics. it's treated oftenas a local problem and it's actually seen by many doctors mainly as a female problem,not even as a men's potential issue. and as i mentioned earlier, it's often incorrectlyrecognized as irritable bowel syndrome. natural medicine or natural doctors aren'tmuch different from conventional doctors, unfortunately, when it comes to chronic candidabecause it's sometimes misdiagnosed by natural
medicine practitioners. and if it is diagnosed,it's not treated adequately. it's not given the respect that it deserves. i really believethis and you can read this in my book, candida crusher, that i talk that candida, when chronic,needs to be treated with a lot of respect. blood testing can be performed to look atvarious antibodies in the blood to determine if there is an antibody production, althoughi'm not really that keen on antibody testing with candida. i believe that the comprehensivestool test is really the gold test to do in this case, if you want to really know aboutyeast. you can actually determine it microscopically, visual analysis for a microscope, or it canbe cultured. urinary indican testing. we're looking for a urine test to discover bad bacteria.and wherever there are loads of bad bacteria,
we're generally going to find some elementof a yeast infection. treatments are not sufficiently followed through.treatments are not prolonged or strong enough. it's seen as small intestinal bowel overgrowthor allergies, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel syndrome,etc. many naturopaths, chiropractors, and herbalists will diagnose candida as beinggluten intolerant or an allergy that the patient will have some sort of gluten issue. not enoughemphasis is placed on stress and lifestyle. there is a capability of curing a chronicyeast infection. i have no doubt. i've helped many people overcome this condition.conventional testing. these are the four general tests that a convention doctor will do ifhe or she does deem candida to be a problem.
a urinary cultural smear, conventional stooltest for a narrow range of pathogens, an antibody blood test, and a gut fermentation test, aparticular blood test. but a functional medicine practitioner or a naturopath will be moreinterested to do the enzyme-linked blood test to determine various antibodies of candidasuch as igm, iga, and igg. these things may not mean much to you, all these terms i'musing, but i will certainly elaborate on these terms in other more comprehensive video clips,in time, on the candida crusher youtube channel. the comprehensive stool test, i believe, isthe best way to determine, not just candida, but a whole raft of other dysfunctions inthe digestive system that many patients with candida actually present with. we can actuallydetermine by what kinds of foods are broken
down and passed out; we determine these tobe organic acids. certain sugars, for example, will break down to certain organic acids,and we can determine by the level in the urine to what degree a patient will have a yeastinfection. i find this simple test called indican to be quite a good test to determinehow good or poor the bacteria are. this can be done in-house. it takes five minutes inmy clinic and it's quite a good test in general to determine how poor the gut is functioning.why do i like stool testing? well, it's a non-invasive diagnostic test for assessingthe gut. it gives me a very comprehensive picture of a patient's gastrointestinal function.i can determine from a few stool samples what the bacteria levels are like. yeast can becultured. we can discover parasites. we can
look at various digestive markers. for example,amylase or pancreatic enzymes can be picked up. we can look at various absorption markersto see if the body actually is taking foods into the system. there are various metabolicmarkers and inflammation as well to see if there are any inflammatory responses goingon in the gut. again, i'll be talking more in-depth about the stool test on other youtubevideos. one point i would like to bring up is thecirculatory iga, which is the key immune marker in the stool test. and if we find it low,we'll often find this in conjunction with chronic yeast infections and also food allergiesand low beneficial bacteria. pharmaceutical drugs or viral infections can often causethis. we can often find it with inflammatory
bowel disease like colitis or crohn's as well.and stress and low-grade infections are commonly found. patients who have had past viral infectionswill often show low iga. iga is made in the small intestine. the bodywill make between one to two grams of this antibody per day. and one of the key rolesis to grab hold of pathogens, bugs, and things like that and to pull them out of the digestivesystem. so iga is a very important policeman for want of a better word. they look afterthe integrity of the small intestine, in particular. it's important to have good levels of iga.when it's high, we can certainly suspect inflammatory bowel disease if we find elevated inflammationmarkers such as lysozymes, but i'll discuss that in another video.how do we boost iga? well, colostrum is quite
good. prebiotics, certain types of fibers,cayenne pepper, saccharomyces boulardii, which is a beneficial yeast that you can have withcandida. don't confuse this with a candida yeast infection. reducing elevated cortisolwhen a person is stressed is very important to increase iga.so let's look at some of the drugs that are commonly used with a yeast infection. nystatin,named after new york state. this drug was discovered by two women quite a few yearsago. i believe it was in the 1950s or 60s this drug was discovered. it's a widely promoteddrug by dr. william crook in his book, "the yeast connection," as one of the best antifungals.it's not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, so the body will pass it out. it interfereswith the cells of candida. it helps to destroy
them. it can cause quite severe reactions.i've had many patients through skype consultations that have told me that after taking nystatin,they got very ill, indeed. i developed quite a strong reaction to nystatin when i tookit myself, so i'm not a big fan of this particular drug. it can create a quite strong side effect.and dr. crook said, "side effects are good. strong side effects mean strong kill." buti'm not really keen for patients to have very powerful die off reactions. i don't thinkit's really necessary with candida to have these heroic treatments.the common drugs used by many doctors, the "zole" drugs. fluconazole, for example, ordiflucan, is a very common drug that's used for vaginal thrush. fungizone, amphotericin,i think it's called, is a very powerful drug
that's often used intravenously. it's a verypowerful drug that can create very strong side effects. but fluconazole can make youquite sick, too. it can have liver toxifying effects. these drugs inhibit enzymes necessaryto convert something into yeast. by taking a zole drug, you're interferingwith the function or the structure of the membrane of yeast, so you're destroying yeastby inhibiting the reproduction and growth of it. it's not really recommended by me.the body can develop resistance to these drugs and also candida can change, mutate, be quitesmart, and become resistant to the "zole" drugs, which means you need to take higherdosages and stronger drugs to get the same effect.antibiotics are actually used for yeast infections
because many practitioners confuse candidawith a bacterial infection. not a good idea. in medicine, many doctors are trained withinfection, just give antibiotics and watch and wait approach. give these drugs firstand let's see what happens. but i don't really like this idea at all.antibiotics actually have a very powerful disturbing effect on the normal bacteriallevel of the large intestine, and they create the proliferation of a lot of bad bacteria.and then, of course, yeast will start thriving in the absence of good bacteria. it's nota good idea. good bacteria, bad bacteria get killed. yeast start coming up. and as i mentionedearlier, they're found widely in the food chain. my recommendation for foods is to eatclean meats. preferably, free from antibiotics.
look at this graph here. this is quite interesting.this is in 2011; 29.9 million pounds of antibiotics were sold for meat production in north america.antibiotics to treat sick people in the usa in 2011 were 7.7 million pounds. so let'ssay two pounds is a kilogram, so you're looking at about 3.5 million kilograms of antibioticsin one year in america, which is phenomenal. this will give you some idea of reasons whywe've got such a big problem with candida yeast infection in north america. we've gota high amount of high fructose corn syrup consumption. we've got lots of artificialsugars being consumed. we've got lots of alcohol being consumed. we've got lots of antibioticsbeing consumed. we've got lots of low-grade stress. so now you can understand how yeastinfections can be really rife and why 60 to
70 million americans suffer from a yeast infection.stress reduction is very important and you'll read all about this in section 5 of chapter7 of candida crusher. i've written extensively on stress. acute short-term stress appearsnot to be as aggravating as long-term, low-grade stress when it comes to gut problems. there'sa study that was done here in the american journal of gastroenterology in 2000. i won'tgo into these pathways here about interleukins, but you can read more about this in my book.i recommend the big cleanup in my book. before people go on the candida diet, i recommendthat they start with what i call the "warm turkey" approach. i slowly take them off ofjunk food and caffeine. i do that over a 14-day period. i wind them down slowly. this minimizesaggravations and the typical healing responses
people get, and it improves retention ratefor a patient. this is mainly something i would use for people who live a conventionalwasted lifestyle of buying supermarket foods, working a normal 40-hour a week job, and beingunder low-grade stress. these are the three stages to my candida crusherdiet approach. the meat, eggs, vegetables diet. the low allergy phase and the reintroductionphase. again, you can read about this in more detail in chapter 7 of candida crusher. i'vewritten over 200 pages on diet. it's one of the most comprehensive candida books you willfind regarding dietary advice. i go into many aspects of diet.the mevy diet, i recommend because it is really an anti-candida diet. it takes away the foodsource of the yeast. yeast does not like to
thrive on meats, blueberries, avocados, greenapples, yogurt, fresh vegetables, and eggs. these seem to be key foods. they're tastyfoods. it's a good diet. you're not going to starve on this diet. you shouldn't losea great amount of weight, so i recommend this approach for several weeks before we startintroducing other foods. then we look at a low allergy diet approach.most people with a chronic yeast infection will have leaky gut syndrome, which you canread more about on yeastinfection.org. many people with a yeast infection have had a backgroundof antibiotics or the oral contraceptive pill. they'll have poor levels of bacteria. they'llhave all sorts of gastrointestinal distress. it's best for them to come off the key allergyfoods. and the key food on this picture is
cow's milk.i can remember doing a lot of work testing young children, in particular, finding thatnearly 70 percent of 350 food allergy tests, i found kids to have a problem with cow'smilk. bananas came back about 14 percent. pineapples come back reasonably high. shellfish,things like prawns and crabs and lobsters will come back relatively often. oranges,peanuts and bread and gluten is not as common as you think. the finger's always pointedat wheat and gluten when, in fact, many people have bacterial and yeast problems that needclearing up before they start taking gluten out of their diet. i'm not a big fan of eliminatinggluten from people's diets to be honest. the reintroduction diet is something thatyou look at once you start feeling a lot better
and a lot of your key signs and symptoms startdisappearing. now, this may take four months. this may take six months. this may take 12months. this may take two months. you can read about why there is such a swing in durationin my book. i explain this in more detail. but the foods that you need to reintroducefirst are generally the foods that you discontinued that gave you the least aggravation. so you'renot going to really, for example, introduce cow's milk straight up. the foods you wantto have the most back in your diet are the foods you've got to introduce last. becausethey're often the key foods that will have caused you an issue in the first place. manypeople like alcohol. many people like cow's milk. they like bread with lots of yeast init. they like cakes, biscuits, coffees with
sugars in them and milk, lots of citrus, lotsof bananas, alcohol, so all these sort of items that we like to consume, you need tobe careful and introduce them last. let's look at some special foods. and youcan read about this in section 4 of chapter 7 of my book. i've got a great amount of detailabout the special foods. sauerkraut, for example, a very good food to eat here because of thelactic acid content that encourages the proliferation of lactobacillus good bacteria. oregano containsa component called carvacrol, a particularly essential oil that's a very powerful antifungal.coconut contains caprylic acid, a very good antifungal medium chain triglyceride. so onetablespoon of coconut oil per day is a very good antifungal. cloves also contain a powerfulessential oil that is antifungal, so i usually
recommend the consumption of one or two clovesper day. yogurt and kefir. these are very good foods that you can have. foods with culturesin them are simple to make. i've done video youtube clips on these you can look for aboutthe benefits of yogurt and kefir. the allium family, foods high in sulphur, good cleansingdetoxifying foods, and garlic, in particular, is very antifungal.various supplements i recommend, probiotics, very important to take for many differentreasons. probiotics are often beneficial bacteria found lacking in many people with a yeastinfection, and these levels need to be built up again. digestive enzymes are critical.i've written extensively on reasons why people need to supplement with pancreatic enzymesto help break down starches, in particular.
you'll realize that starches are a big problemwhen you read the gaps diet book, for example. starches are a big issue with candida. peopleneed to break them down, digest them and absorb them and excrete the waste properly. and whenenzymes help to break food down properly, bacteria can start feeding on the waste producedas a consequence of digestion and form a very healthy digestive tract. this can often holdthe key for recovery for many people, particularly people with bloating, flatulence, constipation,and diarrhea will benefit often from a well-placed enzyme in the diet. antifungal/antimicrobialsupplements are required by all candida patients. these are the three key products you can readmore about in my book. leaky gut syndrome. i don't think we'll gointo this too much on this video. it is a
condition that many people with candida sufferfrom. they start developing problems with the small bowel. breaches occur and imperfectlybroken down proteins, in particular, can bypass in through the intestinal wall and affectthe immune system and cause all sorts of immune responses. leaky gut syndrome is a key thingyou'll find with food allergies. once we overcome this syndrome, your ability to consume anincreasing amount of foods you will find will certainly be satisfying for you. many peoplewith so-called gluten problems have got leaky gut syndrome that needs fixing up. once themembrane of the small bowel is repaired, gluten should not really be a problem for many ofthese people. i've helped hundreds of patients back into gluten that were told they couldnever eat wheat products again.
what are some symptoms of leaky gut? well,abdominal pain. the sensations of pain on the left or right-hand side. bloating, constipation,gas is a big one. heartburn, brain fog, mood swings, nervousness, poor memory, wheezing,shortness of breath. you may recognize some of these things if you've got candida. andonce you clear this leaky gut up, you won't suffer so much from these problems anymore.here, we can actually see a picture of these tiny things called microvilli. you can actuallysee here the lymphatic system running up through each microvilli and the blood vessels runningaround it. and here, you can actually see the cells lining this area here. here's apicture again of the villi. these tiny little villi. and we've got this tiny little areaaround it called the "brush border." these
are tiny little hair-like projections withmucous that sits in there. in this area here, the circulatory iga is king. this is an areathat we want to build up is the health of these cells lining these villa. and once webuild these cells up nice, plump, and fat, they can do their job of absorbing nutrientsinside the gut and digestive area. we'll talk more about this on another video.a couple steps to healing the leaky gut. you need to give up alcohol for three months.it's realistic. if you can't stop drinking alcohol for this period of time, you needto turn this video off and go and look elsewhere for some type of a quick fix, which is probablygoing to be full of rubbish anyway. because if you can't give alcohol up with gut problems,i can't help you. i'm sorry. then my book
wasn't for somebody like you. most peoplethat are serious about getting well with candida have got no issues about entirely stoppingalcohol for a minimum of three months. you have to stop using non-steroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs. certain types of medications like aspirin, tylenol, paracetamol, ibuprofen, you've gotto get rid of these drugs. these drugs wreck gut function. don't believe me. go to dr.google and have a good look around and you'll see that what i'm saying is correct. non-steroidaldrugs destroy digestive function. a stool test for parasites, yeast, or bacteria.you can contact me if you want at eric@naturopath.co.nz or "nzed" for those people living in australiaor new zealand, so eric@naturopath.co.nzed and i can give you some more information andpricing on stool testing. this is a test i
recommend people have who've got chronic problems.anti-inflammatory diet is a key thing for people with leaky gut. no sugar. watch outfor white flour, in particular. not because i'm against gluten, it's because these foodsmay really play up with leaky gut. and to heal it, we need to get your diet tidied up.you need to watch out for lots of meat with fat in it, vegetable oils. i prefer extravirgin olive oil. fruits and vegetables and usually white meats like organic chicken orfresh fish is a good approach. and there are a few dietary supplements you can use as well.l glutamine, in particular, is a good amino acid to help heal the leaky gut. but if yousuffer from high anxiety, you probably want to avoid glutamine. because glutamine canturn into glutamate and it can cause problems
with people with high anxiety.malabsorption and maldigestion are things we've spoken about and they're common in peoplewith candida and leaky gut syndrome conditions. this is where a lot of digestive pains willcome from in bloating, gas, and constipation and diarrhea, also brain fog is quite commonin these people. these things tend to clear up once we start eradicating candida.irritable bowel syndrome is what i call a "garbage can" diagnosis. it tends to be wherewe lump people into when we don't know what the heck is wrong with them. ibs is anotherterm i see commonly in people with low-grade chronic stress and also with food allergies.and irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that will generally clear up to a remarkabledegree once we get rid of the bad bacteria
and we reduce candida to low levels.here's a picture of a patient's fingernails. you can see here with the white flecks onthe nails. many patients who think they're getting a heart attack, in fact, have heartburnand low levels of stomach acid, which we call hypochlorhydria that can be easily fixed upwith a digestive enzyme. flaky nails, dry nails, hair that lacks luster. these thingsoften respond well to digestive enzymes. you also need a good functioning stomach toconvert pancreatic enzymes from their inactive form to the active form. and remember, wementioned that pancreatic enzymes are very important to break starches down, so you don'tend up pushing partially broken starches into the small bowel to create lots of bad bacterialareas for them to grow on, so we don't produce
lots of gas and bloating and bowel issuesfurther downstream. the better things work upstream, the better things work downstreamin the gut. if you've got any questions, you can emailme at info@yeastinfection.org. again, my name is eric bakker. i've been in practice for25 years now and treated over 15,000 cases of candida yeast infection. this is my book,candida crusher. you can certainly have a good look at this book and if you're interestedin purchasing it, it's only $47 us dollars. it's taken me three years to write this book.i've been told my many practitioners who have a copy that it's one of the best books they'veseen on yeast infection. you can also do my comprehensive, online yeastinfection evaluation here by clicking on this
link and youtube. the youtube channel. we'vegot quite a few videos i've uploaded with many more to come. i hope you found this videoinformative and it's answered some of your questions about yeast infection. i do welcomeyour questions. and if you have got a chronic yeast infection,you can always consult with my through skype. i have patients now in over 30 countries.you can read a lot more information on my yeastinfection.org site. i've got some ofthe best articles on the internet regarding candida yeast infections. i've got my comprehensivebook, youtube channel, and the yeast evaluation test. i welcome you to use these resources.they're all at your disposal. thank you for your time and consideration.