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dr. group: something that's been in the spotlightfor a long time and continues to be, and that is alzheimer's and other forms of dementiathat are sweeping the nation, also worldwide. alzheimer's is a devastating disease with animpact on society that almost can't even be calculated so today, i wanna cover what is alzheimer's,what are the symptoms you need to look out for, some of the things i think the causesare, and some of the things you can do that aren't really being talked about right now. we've been studying this for over 20 yearsand the effects of brain activity and what people could do naturally to prevent, reversesome of these symptoms and reactivate their body's self-healing mechanism.
alzheimer's is a degenerative brain disease. it affects the brain and it also affects howyou think. it's actually the most common cause of dementiaamong adults, and currently, it affects over 44 million people worldwide. that is a lot of people. there's really no gender-based predispositionfor alzheimer's but about two-thirds of americans with the disease are women. so it really affects the majority of womenactually. so last year, close to a million people inthe united states died from alzheimer's
and the outlook is not improving. it's actually getting worse. by 2025, it's projected that the number ofpeople with alzheimer's over the age of 65 will increase by 40%. those are numbers that have been put out bythe associations and the medical journals and things like that. i personally see a rise and i'm projectingnumbers closer to 60%. another thing, even though it's often thoughtof as a disease that only affects the elderly, now, there's something called early onsetalzheimer's, which can surface in a person's
30s or 40s, and this affects about 5% of americansright now, but we're also seeing a steady increase in that as well. now, alzheimer's happens as a result of changesthat take place in the brain. nerve cells get tangled up, and that's what'scalled neurofibrillary tangles. but there's also protein deposits that endup being deposited in the brain, and those are called beta amyloid plaques, beta amyloidplaques, and those end up building up in the brain and these are two things that scientists have noticed that they're relating alzheimer's and dementia too. both of them are the standard hallmark signsof the medical profession. but it's really hard to diagnose alzheimer'sbecause it could be real tricky.
it involves different physical tests, differentmental tests. one of the tests is called a positive emissiontomography scan, or a pet scan. it's a type of imaging test that uses radioactivesubstance, which personally i don't like, any type of contrast material that you haveto drink or that is put into the body somehow before scan, all of them are toxic. they're all dangerous. they can cause severe allergic reactions. it's a tracer is what they use it for. and what it does is it goes in, you take thisradioactive substance, you do the pet scan,
and it highlights the amyloid in the brain. but these scans are also pretty expensive. now, they're starting to come out with someblood tests. that's kind of the future of what we're lookingat for alzheimer's diagnosis. and the most common symptoms include memoryloss, forgetfulness, difficulty with everyday tasks, communication problems, disorientation,poor judgment, thinking problems, just a basket full of different mental disorders or mental effects or mental problems that people are suffering from and when you think about how these mentaleffects play out in real life, you realize what a horrible situation it could be, i mean,to start losing your mind.
to me, that's got to be one of the most devastatingthings that can happen is forgetting who my wife is or forgetting who my kids are. elderlies, anyone with dementia, alzheimer's,they turn the stove on and forget to turn it off, fires start that way. you know, these are real problems that we'redealing with in society, and people's family as well have to deal with it, and it reallyaffects the family. basically, alzheimer's is a disease that mayand eventually does require around the clock, 24-hour a day care, and that really opensup another can of worms right there because alzheimer's is bad enough to deal with inits own right.
but when you consider the financial burden that comes with this disease, it goes to a whole other level the fact is, alzheimer's is one of the costliestchronic diseases to society and to families. now, i touched on this a little bit. one of the less discussed cause of alzheimer's,and it can't be ignored, is the immense toll it takes on family and caregivers. over 15 million americans are unpaid caregiversfor someone with alzheimer's or dementia. and most of the time, it falls on family members. as a matter of fact, the alzheimer's associationreports that about 80% of at-home care is provided by a family member.
in 2014, friends and family provided nearly18 billion hours of unpaid care, and two-thirds of the caregivers out there are women and34% of them are over the age of 65. that is just a struggle that's flat out heartbreaking, and these people are usually not doing it with vast resources forty percent of the caregivers out therehave a household income of $50,000 or less. it's so good that we have so many nice, caringpeople out there, and it's no surprise it's 60% of alzheimer's and dementia caregivers rate their emotional stress levels as high or very high. and 60% of alzheimer's caregivers, out ofall those, 40% of them suffer from depression. so not only are you having the alzheimer's,but you're having the problems with the caregivers
which are having extreme stress levels, and40% of them suffer from depression. alzheimer's, it isn't a part of normal aging. so if any medical or any doctor tells youit's just normal that you're gonna get it, they're wrong. but aging is the biggest risk factor, becauseif your body accumulates chemicals and toxins for years and years and years, i mean, that'sdefinitely gonna take a toll on your body. and every five years that you age, your risk actually goes up for some form of dementia or brain dysfunction so what is the standard medical philosophy? i mean, what do the allopathic doctors teachus?
what does the american medical association,the alzheimer's association try to preach to us is that it's generally believed thatthe disease is a combination of age, genetics, environment, lifestyle, and other medicalconditions. honestly, i don't even think they know whatit is. i could tell you this, one conclusion thati've come to after looking at all the research that's out there is that the cause is exposureto toxins, environmental pollutants, a clogged liver, a malfunctioning liver, and too manychemicals and heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides, and too many chemicals and toxinsin the food, the air and the water that people are taking into their body on a daily basis.
and actually, studies have confirmed that,recent studies that toxins and environmental pollutants are associated with alzheimer's. one of them is pesticides and herbicides,which i mentioned. there was a study by the american medicalassociation's journal of neurology that found alzheimer's patients had four times the ddt metabolites in their blood as people who do not have alzheimer's ddt was a toxic pesticide used for years andyears and years. it's banned now but it was used from i think,i don't know, the 1930s all the way up to the 1970s or something like that. and we know for a fact that alzheimer's patientshave four times the ddt levels.
next one is glyphosate. if you have bottles of roundup from monsantothat is the company who is destroying our food supply and also destroying most of theagriculture and the soil, roundup, the main ingredient in that is called glyphosate. it's a strong pesticide that's taken overthe world and it's contaminated a huge portion of the food supply, especially the genetically-modifiedfoods, and it's actually worse than ddt. you can't even wash it off. and everybody's spraying it in their gardens around their house and, you know, it's on any type of non-organic foods.
the deteriorating effect they have on brain health is just one of the many problems associated with pesticides and we've got tons of information about thaton globalhealingcenter.com. if you wanna go to the website and just typein glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, effect on the body, i mean, we have plenty of informationon that with the clinical research. i always wanna provide people with the actualstudies so they don't think that i'm just up here, sitting here, talking about stuffthat's not proven. one of the things that's kind of weird thatyou might not think of is alzheimer's is correlated with a deficiency in the supply of fat andcholesterol in the brain. now this is something that i've spent a lotof time researching and i know that it's one
of the main causes of alzheimer's that i think and that's the lack of cholesterol that's getting up to the brain that's been proven in many clinical trialsas well and actually clinical studies is there is a deficiency in the supply of cholesterol in the brain and the way the insulin in the brain works as well. now that sounds odd because a lot of people have heard cholesterol is bad, but that's a gross oversimplification. the reality is that cholesterol is criticalfor nervous system function and brain health. it actually protects the nerves and helpsfacilitate communication between the cells. people with alzheimer's have been found tohave significantly less cholesterol and fatty acids in their cerebrospinal fluid comparedto individuals without alzheimer's.
how does that work? that comes back to linking to the liver function. the liver is what produces your good and badcholesterol, ldl and hdl. keep your hdls high and keep your ldls low,that's the general scheme of things, your low density lipoproteins or your ldls andyour high density lipoproteins or your hdls. colombia researchers found that people with a solid balance of good cholesterol were 60% less likely to develop alzheimer's. now, a cholesterol imbalance might be dietary. in fact, a healthy, organic diet with thegood fats has been found to improve cognitive
abilities and some of the other symptoms associatedwith alzheimer's. good fats are gonna be your cold-pressed virginorganic olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, which is really good to use, especially duringcooking, because it can go up to 400 and something degrees without disabling it or breaking itdown. those are gonna be your good fats, addinggood fats into your diet. but one thing that surfaced recently is statindrugs, which a lot of people are on for high cholesterol, could be causing problems andcontributing to alzheimer's. one thing you don't wanna do is you don't wanna mess with your cholesterol production in your liver. think at how many people right now are beingput on dangerous statin drugs that will completely
block the good cholesterol that you need inyour brain and throughout your body, by the way, the good cholesterol is distributed everywherein your body. it's vital for all of your systems to workand it's vital for all your systems to function. it protects your cells. so putting someone on statin drugs is likelighting a fire. it's just, you know, extremely damaging tothe body. statin drugs inhibit the enzymes and interfere with the synthesis of both cholesterol and coenzyme q10 and that like with a lot of the prescriptionscan have serious, serious unintended side effects. now the next thing i wanna talk about whichis associated with alzheimer's is aluminum.
you might have heard that aluminum is associatedwith that, and, in fact, that's probably the toxin that you hear about the most. there's no question about it. aluminum, when it gets into your body, isa neurotoxin, that's been proven to be a neurotoxin, and it actually causes brain inflammation. so what you wanna do is avoid aluminum-baseddeodorants. most of the deodorants have aluminum in them. you don't wanna drink anything out of aluminumcans, beer, soft drinks, whatever. you don't wanna use any aluminum cookware.
and there's alternatives, you know, there'snatural deodorants right now aluminum-free. you can use ozonated olive oil as a deodorant. you wanna use ceramic, teflon-free, nontoxiccookware. and then if you're gonna be drinking anything,make sure you're drinking out of glass bottles. another big problem that's been associatedwith alzheimer's is mercury. mercury is extremely toxic to the brain. it affects both short and long term memory,reason, attention span, and it's linked to the formation of the neurofibrillary tanglesthat we were talking about before that you're seeing on the pet scan.
mercury is directly linked to that. some researches actually found that peoplewith alzheimer's have three times as much mercury in their blood than people without. how do you get mercury in your body? a lot of tap water. a lot of tap water is not only mercury butarsenic, lead, cadmium, nickel, all kinds of aluminum. you know, what you wanna do is just avoidany type of tap water if you can. mercury amalgams in your teeth, find a naturaldentist, find a holistic dentist who can safely remove the mercury from your mouth.
that is one of the most important things youcan do. and next, one of the things that we've reallybeen studying over the last 15, 20 years, it's one of my top toxins that affects the brain, are artificial ingredients, specifically artificial sweeteners. that's gonna be your nutrasweet, your sucralose,your aspartame, all of those. also, preservatives that are added to food,colors, flavors, all of those things are neurotoxins. dr. russell blaylock, if you wanna look atexcitotoxins, neurotoxins in the brain, these are some of the things that you wanna researchthat have been proven over the years. we know for a fact that msg, for example,has an accelerating effect on the beta amyloid protein deposits, and that's another thing we were talking about that's associated with alzheimer's.
and we know that msg speeds up the developmentof alzheimer's. msg is hidden under multiple names on ingredientlabels. it's basically like, again, pouring gas onthe fire. aspartame, an artificial sweetener that'spart of the diet soda craze. in the body, aspartame actually turns intoformaldehyde, which is a methanol metabolite. listen to this, in animal studies, mice that were given methanol developed alzheimer's symptoms. you should just ask yourself, is it worthmy brain literally to eat food that contains this stuff or drink drinks that contain it? for me, the clear answer is absolutely not.absolutely not!
the best option is to live a clean, healthylifestyle that's not full of increased risks. another reason you should maintain a healthydiet and get some form of exercise is to support your cardiovascular health. cardiovascular problems, especially heartproblems, stuff like high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, they all raise therisk of getting alzheimer's. another problem you might run the risk ofhaving in your diet is poor, imbalanced blood sugar. that is also associated with a toxic liverand can also be an aggravating factor for alzheimer's. the enzymes that lower your blood sugar alsoreduce amyloid, the amyloid plaque. so when those enzymes are dealing with elevatedsugar, they can't reduce the amyloid, so you
see how that's all kind of working together. wellness, health, encourages wellness andhealth. sickness encourages sickness. so, you know, even if you're taking one stepa day to improve your health, you're still making progress, you're not standing still,and you're not going down the stairs towards disease. and i say it all the time, if you can be welland everyone can without prescription drugs, you're going to be much better off. so a lot of times, prescription drugs arelike a whack-a-mole, you know. a doctor spends seven minutes with you, howare they gonna properly diagnose
what's really going on with you in those seven minutes? they don't know about...ask you about whatyou're consuming in your diet. they don't ask you about what you're drinking. they don't ask you about your job if you're around a bunch of metals or toxins during your actual workplace. they don't ask you about your home. they don't ask you about your stress levels. all of those things are what the real problemsare when you look at disease. drugs just take care of one problem. you might come in and get put on a prescriptionmedication.
it might take care of that problem, but thenfive others are gonna pop up, and then they're gonna put you on drugs for some of those otherthings. now i'm not saying you don't need prescriptionmedication every now and then, but you should never be on prescription medication long term. another problem that's associated with alzheimer'sis hormone replacement therapy, for example. there was at least one trial that found takingestrogen increased the risk of developing dementia and alzheimer's later in life. right now, we have so many things that areestrogen mimickers, endocrine-disrupting chemicals. we have high levels of estrogen being testedin men and female.
we have low levels of testosterone, growthhormone, progesterone. so high estrogen levels have also been linkedas a factor to developing alzheimer's. there are so many people on adderall, so manypeople drinking coffee excessively, so many people having problems sleeping at night rightnow due to high stress levels, due to anxiety. sleeping pills are becoming increased riskof many different things, but basically all medication is something to be careful with. but sleeping pills specifically have beenshown to increase the risk of alzheimer's. now, don't stop taking your medications withouttalking to your doctor and developing a plan. i'm just saying, if you could take steps to be in charge of your own wellness, you're going to be a lot better off.
another thing to consider here, as long aswe're talking about brain health, is the mental health aspect of it, specifically stress. you know, i talk a lot about the negativeeffects of stress all the time, why it's important to eliminate the cause of stress. i mean, it's not good to just take a productor take a medication because you got to figure out, why are you stressed to begin with? the best you can anyway and find effectiveways to deal with that is the root cause. so what is alzheimer's? it's an inflammatory disease.
studies have linked psychological stress tothe onset of dementia. so if your body is chronically inflamed, you'regoing to have a big problem, and alzheimer's could be one of them. as a matter of fact, every single diseaseout there, well, i would say the majority of them, probably 90%, has something to dowith inflammation in the body. first and foremost, you wanna try to eliminate all the chemicals, toxins that you're exposed to on a daily basis. now that means trying to eliminate these fromfood, water, beverages, and clean up the air quality in your home, have a healthy organicdiet. my book "the green body cleanse" explainseasy ways to eliminate and replace.
it's not like, "okay, you need to eliminateall the things you love." that's really hard for people to do. i'm not saying eliminate your, you know, whitesugar, let's say. what's i'm saying is replace it with a natural,healthier option like organic stevia or agave nectar or a coconut nectar, you know, or replaceyour white flour, which is toxic, with a certified organic gluten-free type of flour. i mean, the thing is what you're trying todo is balance everything out, you know. you look at what you're eating and insteadof eating the toxic things, first of all, you want to eat organic things.
so all you're do is eliminating the toxinscoming in. and then exercise is absolutely critical. pick out what you love to do, you know, atleast try to exercise a few times a week. pretty much everyone is in agreement on this. even the national institute of health, the alzheimer's association, they all recommend healthy eating and exercise. that also means limiting your sugar. your high fructose corn syrup should be eliminated,the white sugar should be eliminated, saturated fats should be eliminated.
focus on organic fruits, vegetables, nuts,seeds, no genetically modified foods. don't smoke, stimulate your mind, exerciseyour body. it's really all about solid fundamentals. there are a lot of influencing factors, andthe more of them that you have in check, the better off you're gonna be. and with that, you can't underestimate theimportance of mental stimulation. that means keeping your mind sharp. there's a lot of evidence out there that showsstaying mentally active supports brain health. that's actually straight from the mayo clinicthat exercising the mind boosts your thinking
skills which is unbe...you know, it's reallysuccessful for anybody that has dementia or alzheimer's or anything like that to exercisetheir mind, reading, writing, doing word puzzles. whatever you wanna do that makes you feellike you're stimulating your mind, when it comes to your brain, it's really a use itor lose it proposition, you know. if you don't keep your brain active, you'rejust gonna lose it. so beyond having a diet that's in order andregular exercise, a lot of people wanna know what are the little tips and tricks. what are the natural remedies and supplementsfor promoting brain health? and yes, there are a few.
some of the ones that i've used and workedthe best are cinnamon. cinnamon extract is one possible option. there was actually a study published in thejournal of alzheimer's disease that found compounds in cinnamon extract that helpedstop the protein dysfunction, which could prevent and possibly reverse the neurofibrillarytangles. now this may happen because cinnamon supportsnormal brain insulin activity, so very important. insulin and insulin receptors in the brainare essential for memory and cognitive functions. most every person with alzheimer's usuallyhas an imbalance with their insulin. it's also a reason why the gallbladder, thepancreas, the liver are so important to be healthy.
second tip i can give is ginseng. ginseng is another one that we've used thatreally helps support brain health and function. next is omega-3 fatty acids. this is one of the biggest things. there was information released from the nationalinstitute of health, an animal study that found regular consumption of omega-3 fattyacids reduced cognitive impairment. also, omega-3s are good fighter of inflammation,so i highly recommend getting on a good omega-3 fatty acid product. so is coconut oil, one of my favorites.
this is something that no matter who contactsus with alzheimer's, dementia, no matter what, always, i would highly recommend typing incoconut oil and alzheimer's and google. you're going to see people, videos out thereof how successful this actually is. and the reason why is because coconut oilcontains ketones. ketones are a powerful brain food, and peoplewith alzheimer's don't have those. and definitely think about adding coconut oil to your diet is one of the most successful remedies. and i highly recommend you also do some researchonline regarding coconut oil. chlorella is another supplement i like. it's similar to cilantro, and that it's reallypowerful for detoxifying and pulling out toxic
metals from your body, especially mercury. we actually have a product called zeotrex,which contains a lot of different compounds which helps support the body's natural eliminationof harmful metals and toxins. iodine. iodine, i've talked about a million times. check out my other video on everything youneed to know about iodine. but in a nutshell, it's super powerful for helping detoxify some of the worst mental and thyroid toxins. it's really good. it goes up into the brain, helps detoxify,helps repair every cell in your body.
it has iodine receptors. it's extremely important in my opinion. next is a healthy bowel. right now, you're seeing all... i've been saying this for 20 years, there'sa gut-brain connection. if you have a healthy gut, you have a healthybrain. now, i don't know if there's just more moneybeing put into it, pharmaceutical companies are starting to say this, they're startingto come out with their own probiotic formulas. there's definitely a gut-brain connection.
my next tip is heal your gut, heal your brain,and that means use a good oxygen-based intestinal cleanser, like oxy-powder. cleanse out all that garbage in your gut,use a solid probiotic supplement, which is instrumental when it comes to cultivatinga healthy biosphere inside your gut, a biome, which is really keeping your gut clean, eatinggood clean foods, and taking a good probiotic because you're cultivating a healthy gut. most of the neurotransmitters, believe it or not, are made, your dopamine, your serotonin, produced in your gut. so you really have to focus on healing yourgut, and that means cleansing your gut and
taking a good probiotic formula like floratrex. n.a.d.h. one study found that...nadh is just the nameof the supplement and you can find that online anywhere, get a good one. one study found that six months of supplementation of nadh positively influenced verbal and mental sharpness. next thing, next tip on my list is just drinklots of clean water. water is so powerful. and what we've noticed with alzheimer's, withevery disease, is that most people are deficient,
they're dehydrated. every living substance on the planet is composedof at least 80% water. water is vital to your health. stop drinking all the dehydrating substanceslike alcohol, milk, processed milk not raw milk, energy drinks, soft drinks, juices,which are just full of all kinds of chemicals, except natural juices. i mean, you know, if they're freshly pressedor freshly juiced, those are great. i'm talking about the juices in the conveniencestores and the juices in the supermarkets, which are flavored and have all kinds of preservativesand toxins in them.
look, the only thing the body needs and wantsafter breastfeeding is water. if you're suffering from any condition, anysymptom, most likely it's associated with your liver. your liver is your detoxification organ, yourliver is the vital organ in your body that needs to stay clean. so the success that we've seen over the yearscomes with at least three liver and gallbladder cleanses. and that's with the olive oil. you have to take the olive oil because theolive oil works like oil pulling. it goes into the liver that literally pullsout all those chemicals and toxins and everything. so i would say, if there's one thing i wouldrecommend, the number one thing i would recommend
is liver cleansing for everything actually. we're just living a world right now wherewe're exposed to so many chemicals and toxins coming in that in our research, we found thatthe majority of the people, over 70% of the people over the age of 40, their livers areonly functioning 40%, and your liver needs to be functioning 80% for you to be healthy. so do your best to follow a healthy diet,you know. eat as much raw food as you possibly can. and not only that, i mean, cleanse your intestinesand repair your gut. cleanse your liver and your gallbladder.
cleanse all the chemicals and heavy metalsout of your body. it's all about cleansing. that's what i have to give you. that's the research that i've come up with i wanted to share with you regarding alzheimer's and dementia. you can always go to our facebook page. you can always subscribe to our newsletter. you can go to our youtube account to see alot of extra videos. you can go to globalhealingcenter.com. you can search our site for anythingthat you want to learn.
we're here to help educate. we're here to help walk you through. we have a whole staff, customer service, whichwill answer any questions that you possibly have. and i hope you have a great day today. live healthy. and if you have any questions, get in contactwith us. thank you. hey, thanks for watching. for more information on living a healthierlifestyle, check out more videos below.
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