![[title] [title]](https://draxe.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/CeliacDiseaseGraphic.jpg)
alright! this is john kohler with growingyourgreens.com.today i have another exciting episode for you. as you guys can see, today i'm harvestingmy peppers. end of the season, harvesting peppers, but this is not a pepper harvestingvideo. i might have that in another video for you guys about when to harvest your foodbecause we are going to frost soon and then we're going to have to pull these guys upanyways, but what today's episode is about actually it's about pest and bug control.i know many of you guys have pest problems. many of you guys may not even be gardeningbecause of the pests. you fear the pests, like 'oh my gosh, i can't even grow anythingbecause the bug's going to eat it,' right? don't fear the pests any longer. in this videowe show the organic solution that you can
use to take care of the majority of your pestproblems. so, the first thing i'd like to say is, you know, before you even get thepests, it's important to prevent the pests from happening in the first place. so, thenumber one way to do that, in my opinion, is build good soil. you know, you're as healthyas the food you what, right? if you're eating mcdonalds, junk food, fast food, processedfood, things in packages, bottles, and jars, right? you're not going to be as healthy assomebody that's eating a whole foods, you know, diet rich in fruits and vegetables,and our plants are like us. they need to be fed good food. so, we don't want to just put,you know, soil down there and then put some chemically made fertilizer and whatnot becausethe plants aren't going to get everything
they need. i encourage you guys to use thebiologic organic gardening and farming methods, which includes adding things like bacterialcompost, fungal compost, the trace minerals like the rock dust, c90, applying composttea, the worm castings, the insect frast, and all the other biologic agents that actuallyput the bacteria and fungi and other microorganisms into your soil so hat they can ensure yourplants thrive. now, even in my garden where i have been doing this, i do have some pestpressures. so, what we're going to talk about today is how to deal with the pest pressuresif you have them, but the goal, number one goal, overall is to not get the pest pressures,right? by growing good healthy crops and building your soil, you know. for example, fro us,like if your wife or husband has a flu or
a cold, right? they're sleeping right nextto you in the bed, they're sharing, you know, utensils with you, hopefully you're not sharingtoothbrushes, but they'll be sick, but you wont, that's because you have immune system.well, plants are the same way. they have immune systems. so, once again, build the soil sothat you have healthy plants, they have a stronger immune system, and they'll be ableto fend for themselves. think about it. for, you know, the millions of year, trillionsof year, i don't know how many, i wasn't a history major, that the earth has been around,there was no such thing as pesticides, even organic ones. nobody sprayed anything. theplants literally had to fend for themselves. the difference between then and now, amongother things, was the soil. there was a lot
better soil, more nutrition in the soil, andthe plants were able to have string immune systems. nowadays, when you're growing inimported topsoil, soils that are devoid of minerals and the microbiologics in the soil,the plants aren't going to be as healthy. so, number one, grow healthy plants so thatyou won't have to do anything else. the second way i like to control pests is manual control.so, you know, as i've been pulling my peppers, i've seen a couple small snails in here. so,the easiest thing is to pull them off, smush them, compost them, get ducks or chickensand feed them to your ducks and chickens. manual control is always best. the only negativewith manual control is if you have acreage, you won't be able to do it. if you have asmall 4-foot by 4-foot bed, i always encourage
you guys to do manual control first beforespending any extra money to buy any gadgets or gizmos or sprays to spray on your crops.manual control is always the easiest. hire some neighborhood kids. maybe you got somekids, you know, in your household, have them find slugs and pay them a nickel. maybe mighthave to pay them more than a nickel. pay them a quarter, maybe a dollar. pay them a dollarfor every slug they find, and that'll get them busy, they'll learn about, you know,the importance of hard work, and you'll get a slug free garden and you'll be like, 'okay,everyone, you get a dollar. go out and hunt them,' and they'll sit there all day tryingto find them, right? so, healthy plants, manual control, the next way i'd recommend is byusing other kind of control. so, number one,
grow healthy plants, number 2, manual control.oh, another thing you can do is also exclude the pests. so, if you have heavy pest problems,you know, make hoops and grow with the remade fabric shade cloth or clear plastic over thetop of your plants so that the bugs can't get in there to eat your stuff, right? so,exclude them. the next way i would do is when i start to spray stuff. so, the first spraythat i recommend for you guys is to spray only water. water is natural, it's like therain. we're not going to emulate the rain and just spray just droplets, but we're goingto spray on a pressurized spray at high pressure. i have had videos on tis in the past. it'scalled the bug blaster. that's the device i use in my garden when i have pest issuesto spray them off. works good in soft-bodied
insects like the aphids and whiteflies andwhatnot, spray them off, and that should be the end of them. if i have a persistent issueand the other ways that i control them don't work, i have a pretty big outbreak, then i'mgoing to do what you guys are going to learn next. so, i've been using this technique myselfin my very garden for about a year now, and nothing that i've tested has worked better,and this is super simple, super easy and anybody can do it. so, what we're going to have ontodays show is a special guess. we got josh cunnings of the boogie brew company. now,formally it is the boogie brew product because as a grower himself, and he grew lots of californiatomatoes if you know what i mean, he grew the best california tomatoes ever, and thefertilizer chemicals got too expensive, so
he made up his own natural organic solution,and guess what? besides growing california tomatoes, that stuff also works on everything.i mean, as the results, you can see them, it's doing really good, but besides just havinggood nutrition, you also sometimes need to control pests, because we can't be like, 'there'sno pests, there's no pests, there's no pests,' and avoid them because then they're goingto take over. so, he has a natural organic method to control pests that, you know, thati use in my garden. so, i guess, without further ado, let's get into josh's clip and let himshow you how deal with pests and actually how he's doing it in my very garden to takecare of pests for me, and i like that a lot. this is josh cunnings and i'm appearing onbehalf of john kohler here at his own garden,
in his home town of northern california, andas you just saw, his peppers have all been doing really well, his strawberries have beenbasting. in fact, 90% of john's garden has been absolutely raging all summer long. herewe are deep in the summer, the garden just keeps on perpetually going, but just likeall growers, john has suffered a couple of relatively minor disease, pest, and fungusdisease pressure problems. speaking of one, it's right here behind me. his squash plants,and it's pm. it's called powdery mildew, and right there i took the liberty of pluckingone of his particularly afflicted pm squash leaves, and as you can see, it looks like,you know, snow has been unceremoniously sort of sprayed, if you will, on his leaves. now,this is not a healthy sign. this is a fungus
that's attacking his squash leaves, and isactually quite prevalent here in sonoma county, which is a coastally influenced region, andalso has a big grape republic behind it. a lot of grape monoculture growing, and so thathas led to conditions which have allowed pm, powdery mildew, to run rampant amongst thegrower here in north cal, and also john has been suffering from a big problem, a pestpressure that's occurring right now in his tree collards. let's go to the other partof his garden and take a peek at that. let's touch on the subject of pesticides. if yougo into just about any hardware stores pest control aisle, you can smell a noxious odoroozing from the virtual smorgasbord of chemical substances. amazingly, most people seem toaccept this as perfectly normal without even
considering the dangerous effects to our environments.america produces a mind-boggling 5 billion pounds of pesticide products each year alone.that's almost 20 pound of poison for every man, woman and child in the us, annually.unbelievably, pesticides originate form chemical warfare products. yes, the same fearsome substancesdeveloped by the nazis and subsequently expanded into our weapons arsenals, creating a perfecttrickledown opportunity for the military industrial complex, who could profit from feeding thesame poisons back to the entire human population. just look at monsanto. creators of that lethalchemical used in the vietnam war, agent orange, and who are now a worldwide pesticide conglomerate.the question is, why? the industries limits are endless. is it a runaway train that justcan't be stopped? yea, are there any grounds
for the existence of these products to beginwith? barely one tenth of a percent of chemicals actually reach their target. the other 99.9%goes straight into our environment. where does is it all end up? i'll tell you whereit goes. it bioaccumulates up the entire food chain, polluting all of our ground water andleaving a cancerous footprint in the organs and tissues of each and every one of us. now,here's what you can do about all this. just like john says, 'vote against this disgustingand poisonous scam with your dollars,' and the good news is, that while the false promiseof chemical pesticides has become a world-wide tragedy, there are powerful and natural recipesthat flat out work against bugs a disease. today, i'm going to show you how you can easilywin any bug battle using my clean, green,
dr. broaner's salsuds soap, and neem oil recipe.let's go take a look at john's garden, where his famous tree collards have been sufferingfrom a particularly ugly infestation. through jk's uber garden jungle we go, and i passedhis stricken tree collard greens here and let's go take a peek at what he has over here.wow. well, what do we have here? these look like some seriously infested tree collardgreens, and just what are these bugs and the resident colony? who are these little suckerswho've been inhabiting john's hapless tree collard leaves? i mean, my god, they've simplygone to town here, i'm afraid. any of you (unclear) who are entomologists out there,we could use some help in identifying these little suckers. they almost look somewhatlike orange, overlarge ladybugs. definitely
some sort of romani bug, or a leaf miner typecreature. oh, man. this is a pretty serious infestation. well, we're going to win thisbattle with our favorite all time pest control recipe, and we're going to keep john's gardenfree of these nasty critters once and for all. i've yet to find a better all-aroundpest and disease controlling recipe than the one that i'm about to tell you of, but firstof all, you're going to need any type of quart or pint-sized jar that's party filled withwarm water, alright? this part is important, and we'll talk about why you need this itemin a minute. now, these here are the two vital ingredients which make up our boogie bug battlingsuper formula. dr. brauner's salsud soap and cold press neem oil. this one's called, appropriatelyenough, super cleaning. alright, so, now,
dr. brauner's, a lot of you are familiar withtheir famous line of castile soaps, which are considers the world's finest quality,containing only the purest of ingredients, with no harsh or caustic agent in their recipe.it's the only allowed soap, for instance, used in places like the havasupai indian reservation,which is a pristine environment located deep in the depths of the grand canyon, where thenative tribal dwelling residents have insisted that their land be respected and that theirsoil ecosystem remains completely clean, pure, and unpolluted. now, this is not your moretypical brauner's soap, like their poplar castile line of peppermint, almond, or, forinstance, their lavender body soap, but it's their highest suds formula. it's made forincreased detergent power, and you can find
this in your local health food stores dishand laundry soaps section. now, as is typical with dr. brauner's labeling, there's a tonof information on here. it's made basically from some of the cleanest soap substanceson earth, including coconut fatty acids. now, what i love about this product are its fantasticpenetrating, surfactant, and wetting agent capabilities. it is a superb spreader stickeragent and it can be used as a valuable mixing ingredient with a whole host of foliar foodsfor your plants. the cool thing about dr. brauner's is that they give you 1% canadianfir and canadian spruce needle oil. these are pure, essential oils from fir and spruce,and which are added to increase the soaps purifying powers. there's been a lot of researchindicating the benefits of pine oil to plants,
including a fair degree of bug repellency,as well as in aiding nitrogen uptake, but, of course, our true hero in the boogie bugbattle is undoubtedly neem oil. this has become my favorite brand. it's called, appropriatelyenough, super clean neem, and what makes this particular neem oil so effective is the factthat it's actually obtained from a truly cold pressed oil, not just expeller pressed. now,those of you who are familiar with good quality olive oil will know the difference betweenexpeller pressed and a truly cold pressed virgin oil, and clean neem fulfills its namewith its purity and quality. now, let's not forget that in india, where i believe theneem tree actually originates from, throughout history, they've experienced devastating locustinfestations, which have been known to wipe
out an entire countywide region of all greenplant life. the only plant which is left entirely untouched by these massive locust scourgeswhere they come thought and they consume every piece of green vegetative matter that theycan devour is the neem tree. now, that right there indicates, to me, neems supreme bugrepelling abilities. now, neem is actually great for human health. it's good for theimmune system, for infections, viruses and all disorders of the human musculous gladitalsystem. there is a multitude of benefits from neem, and i'm not going to pontificate toyou about it all here, but you can go to a website called neemfoundation.org and youcan learn more of this truly amazing panacea. all parts of the neem tree, from its barkto the leaves, the fruits and indeed the oil
from its seeds, contains beneficial properties.the tree even grows in arid climates, it thrives in poor soils, and it's actually even ableto restore depleted soils of lost nutrients. now, believe it or not, a giant chemical andpharmaceutical corporation, i believe it was a company knows as wr gracie. they actuallytried to patent the neem tree for their own profit-driven usage, and by the 1990's, theywere defeated in their efforts to monopolize such a valuable natural species by coalitionof farmers from india and environmental activist in europe, who were able to get the internationalpatent office to successfully revoke the patent. i mean, how can you earn the exclusive rightsto a native tree, right? it's ridiculous, and it's highly indicative of the greed whichthese chemicals pesticide companies will go
to in order to get a stranglehold on the worldsentire farming infrastructure. the truth is, neem is highly effective as a natural andpotent pesticide on over 90% of invasive bug species without any long term adaptation orresistance by the target insects to it's multitude of natural compounds. now, keep in mind thatthis is not the case with those chemical pesticides, which the manufacturers have to keep reformulatingat they unleash every stronger compounds in an effort to outpace the bugs own populationsabilities with each new generation to build increased resistance to mankind's latest salveof poisons. now, you talk about and endlessly toxic and deadly cycle, which is being maintainedby our corporatocracies grip on world farming and one which is entirely, in my opinion,unnecessary to boot. so, you're going to take
these two products and, as i said earlier,it's very important to use a warm jar with water and these items make up the basic recipe.you're going take your jar, and you are going to add 2 tablespoons per gallon of each ingredientto your jar. now, today, because the weather's warm, the neem oil actually possesses goodviscosity and as you can see, it's flowing pretty easily out of the container, but forthose of you in colder climates, or if you've stored your neem in a cooler environment,where it can easily solidify in the bottle, it will be necessary for you to place theneem bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes first, so that you do have a goodflowing highly viscous substance. so, you see how i'm putting the neem into the waterthere? i'm actually supposed to put the required
2 tablespoons of oil into the water. thisis just for demonstration, and look at that. it's already kind of globulating. as you cansee, it won't mix properly. now, here's where the magic happens. you're going to take yourjar, you're going to add in an equal quantity. in this case, 2 tablespoons. just for thevideos sake, i'm going to approximate it, of dr. brauner's salsud soap, and we're goingto start mixing it up a little bit and i can see already it's starting to form a cloud.now, we're going to make a neem milk shake. just shake it. see that? in seconds, you havea wonderfully emulsified substance, which is going to be far more easily utilized andfused across the plant tissue foliage, allowing for much better penetration and overall coverage.now, some portions additives that you can
elect to use are products like rosemary andclove oils. even essential oils like peppermint, cinnamon, and orange oil, which should allbe judiciously applied, of course, and these can be useful in particularly stubborn buginfestations. rosemary, for instance is well suited to work extremely well against spidermites, although, in my experience the basic soap and neem recipe has always sufficed forme. clove oil is also known as one of the only reliable killers of the mites own eggs,whereas with the neem oil, the reproductive cycle will get disrupted, but it's going totake a few sprays applications for that to occur. so, it can be helpful to use theseother types of products if you really want to destroy the eggs, etc. now, there's quitea few organic pest control products out there,
with these kinds of oils. these particularone here is made by oap, organic ad products, and it's called redbugs. now, i've gone andadded a couple of capfuls of it for good measure to the soap and neem base, which i alreadyhave here in a premixed jar, so that we can aggressively go after jk's own bug colonyhere. now, today, i'm going to show you how i love to use this bug-blasting recipe withmy favorite ever machine. john's very own commercial atomizing sprayer. this particularunit is called the hudson fog. it's very well built. it's made by hudson, who also happensto make my favorite hose and sprayer, the chameleon sprayer. now, this sprayer is awickedly handy tool for any serious gardener. i was a grower for years, and i trust thismachine implicitly. it just makes the time
consuming job of spraying so much quicker,and it allows for truly complete and total penetration of the plant canopy. moreover,the atomization of the emulsified neem soap blend renders a true fog particle sized delivery,which helps to provide a better diffusion across more surface areas and it also deliversthe beneficial neem compounds in a kinder and gentler form to the plant leaves stomata,or their pores. indeed, neem is generally regarded as the least clogging of all horticulturaloils to leaf stomata's, and i personally believe that some of neems known nutritional benefitsto plants, like increased nitrogen utilization, are actually made available to plant tissuewhen applied this way in concert with the salsuds teflon-like microionization, and deliveredin a truly atomized fog molecule. now, how
can i say this so confidently to you? well,when i used to grow, and when i was consistent with a neem-fogging schedule, my plants werealways clearly greener and overall certainly much healthier. it seemed to shine them upnicely as well, and propose growers have used neem oil for the purpose of beautificationfor decades, utilizing it as a secret weapon to help them win their rose contest. so, whenit comes to conducting a serious pest control campaign, you really wan tot employ the besttechnology that's available to you and for me, this machine is simply imperative. now,combining its use with the supreme recipe like neem and salsuds soap makes pest anddisease infestations a nonissue. also, neem appears to bear no harm to bees or beneficialinsect populations, like the good bugs who
are higher up the food chain, who are consumingthe leaf-munching bugs. similarly, any neem oil residue that makes it's way down to yoursoil will biodegrade quickly and it will not pose a threat to beneficial soil organisms,thereby aiding your soil and maintaining its critical web of microbial life. now, alwaysremember to please use a different spray applicator device for compost tea than the unit thatyou use to apply neem or these other horticultural oils. now, this is because the delicate microbialpopulations in your tea will easily become smothered by any leftover soap and oil residuesthat are in your spray tank. i strongly recommend using a machine like this fogger, or at leasta good quality backpack type sprayer, for the neem applications, and alternating thespraying with a unit like the chameleon hose
end sprayer to shower your whole garden withcompost tea in between. you know, if fact, if you find yourself having it apply the neemmore than 2 times per week, because of serious pest or disease pressure, it's a great ideato spray with a compost tea, like for instance, our boogie brew, on alternating days. now,this will help in preventing too thick of a waxy oil coating that can build up on theleaf surfaces, and it will also provide your plants with a multitude of the tea benefitsas well. the best thing about maintaining a regularly schedule foliar regime that alternatebetween compost tea and neem sprays is that you will simply never experience healthierplants, and it's extremely cost effective to boot. the key is using great recipes. bethat a quality compost tea or, in this case,
a natural pesticide and fungicide with agentlike neem and the salsud soap, whilst implementing badass spraying technology, like the atomizinghudson fogger sprayer. if you do this regularly, your plants can't help but dance. now, let'sget down to business, and let me show you how, just like al pacino said so famouslyin his movie scarface, you know, 'you want to mess with me, you say hello to my littlefriend, you nasty bugs.' so, i'm going o to add my neem milks contents to it. this isthe jar that i mixed earlier. now, in this case the hudson fog uses a 2-gallon base tank,alright? so, i've actually used a total of 4 tablespoons each of salsud and neem oil.so, it's a good idea to actually fill the tank with plain water first, like i've donehere, and then add the mixture afterwards,
alright? because that allows the foam levelsto not come up too highly. you want to set the tank base down on a level flat surfacewhere you can easily see the connections and it's very important to attack the motor carefullyand always check the entire circumferential area of the metal clamp first. okay, veryimportant. now, if it's crooked, then you want to remove it and reattach in a neutraland solid manner as possible. when in doubt, don't take the chance of spraying and havingthe unit detached itself on you, spilling the contents everywhere. speaking of which,it's a good idea to wear work clothes because there's always going to be some spillage,although i can assure you the ingredients are, in my humble opinion, relatively benignand totally harmless to human health. unlike
those evil chemical sprays, you certainlydon't have to armor yourself in hazmat gear first to defend yourself against deadly poisons.now, here's how i like to carry the hudson fog machine. with the strap on one shoulderonly and the air intake pointing away from my body. what this allows me to do is temporarilypressurize the sprayer by blocking the air intake with my own hand if i need to, whichcan help when the liquid that's remaining in the sprayer starts to drop down to lowlevels. here's a brief demo of what i'm talking about. so, i've holstered my machine properly,i've check it's connection, i've attached the power chord, in a responsible and tangle-freemanner, i have the perfect recipe inside which has been properly mixed first, and i'm readyto go and lay waste to those bugs. say hello
to my little friend, you gnarly bugs. herewe come with our clean green neem. let's really go and lay waste to those evil bugs that havebeen infesting his tree collard leaves. say hello to our little clean green neem machineyou evil bugs. now, i'm also going to apply some clean neem magic to john's squash leavesover here, which have suffered of powdery mildew affliction, as we were talking aboutearlier. the neem oil disrupts the mold's spore's hyphae back, or their structure, andit helps tremendously to prevent reinfection with its supreme natural fungicide qualities.here we go. thanks for checking out my boogie battle of the bug episode here on growingyourgreens.i truly hope this helps to motivate you in maintaining a healthy pest and disease freegarden environment, and more importantly,
i urge you all to speak out about the dangersof chemical pesticides. tell your garden acquaintances, your neighbors, your family and your friendsthat there is a healthier and more cost-effective method instead. from jk's own uber patch righthere in north cal, this is boogies message to all growers that there are no excuses forusing poisonous warfare products in your gardens. health is our only wealth and the planetsfuture lies in more responsible stewardship. alright, so, i hope you guys enjoyed thatepisode with josh as a special guest. hey, please post your comments down below. letme know if you wan tot see more of josh, or less of josh. i think he's a good guy, and,i mean, that's the method i use to control pests in my garden, and i believe you should,too. now, yes, i have that, you know, commercial
heavy duty hudson fogger, and i love thatthing, man. i mean, if you have a small garden, you do not need to get the hudson fogger,unless you're a guy and you like gadgets like i do, but if you have any size of raised bedsor, you know, acreage, it's defiantly something you want to consider. now, yes, they are expensive,you know. a more easier way to do that without getting a hudson sprayer, if you have a fewpotted plants with bug issues, you know, just get s spray bottle. you could spray it ina spray bottle. make sure it's shooken up well. another way you could do it like joshsaid, het a backpack sprayer, or a pump sprayer. also, like josh said, you want to be sureto have a different sprayer for your organic insect controls like the neem and dr. brauner'sand the compost teas. don't, like, use the
same sprayer. definitely a good tip to remember,and, you know, once again, i want to encourage you guys to start growing. don't let pestissues get you down. after listening to this episode, you know one of the simplest andeasiest ways to deal with the majority of pests, you know, that i've used myself inmy garden with great success. if you're interested in getting the hudson sprayer and the cleanneem and dr. brauner's, hey, please check the link below. i've negotiated a really specialdeal for you guys to help save you guys some money and allow you to grow organically andcontrol your pests so that you and your family and the earth do not have to deal with therepercussions of toxic chemicals on your food and putting it into the planet. once again,my name is john kohler with growingyourgreens.com.
we'll see you next time, and remember; keepon growing.