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hello, this is phung tran here from the preventionand treatment health support network. how is your blood pressure today? today i’mgoing to talk about a new cure for high blood pressure. now, whenever someone or your friendtells you that there is a new cure, a magic pill for high blood pressure, and if you takethis medication within 2 weeks your blood pressure would go back to normal and yourblood pressure is cured. now before you start selling your house and spend your hard earnedmoney on this new cure for your high blood pressure, maybe you should be a little skeptical.maybe you should do a little bit of research to see whether what your friend is tellingyou is actually a cure for your high blood pressure before you start spending your money.so, what do you know? now, you know that for
a treatment to be a cure it has to fix thecause of your high blood pressure. this is one of the most important points that youshould remember. if you want to have a cure, you have to remove the causes of your highblood pressure. if you do not remove the cause or causes of your high blood pressure, youhave no cure. let me give you an example. let’s say forsome reason, i like to play with a knife and manage to have a big cut on my finger, andit’s hurting a lot. i’m having a lot of pain because of the big cut on my finger.so what is the cause of the pain on my finger? it is very important to know what the causeis. is the cause of the pain on my finger the cut that i have? or is it because i liketo play with the knife? you want to find out
what is the root cause of the problem. ifyou can remove the root cause of the problem, then you have a cure. so let’s say, i dosome treatments on the cut and the cut heals and i don’t have any pain any more. thecut on my finger heals, i have no more pain. is the problem solved? am i cured? no!!! thatis because tomorrow i can play with the knife again and have another cut. and my fingerwill start hurting again. so, the problem is not solved. i’m not cured until i removethe cause. go back to your friend. your friend is tellingyou to take this medication. it doesn’t cost a lot and you could see the results straightaway. within 2 weeks your blood pressure will go back to normal. you will be cured? he wouldeven give it to you for free to try. ok, so
there is nothing to lose. let’s try it,ok? and within 2 weeks, your blood pressure actually goes down to normal and it staysdown at normal levels. so you are pretty happy about yourself. your blood pressure is nownormal. you are probably cured from your high blood pressure. now, remember i said probably.you are probably cured but you are not cured because you have not fixed the cause of theproblem. back to the cut on my finger, even though the cut heals and i don’t have painon my finger anymore the problem is not solved. so, even if your blood pressure goes backto normal, you are not cured. and what happens when you are not cure? then, you can expectserious consequences in the future. ok, so if you are still interested in havingand cure for your high blood pressure, you
have to remove the cause, and in order toremove the cause or causes of high blood pressure, you need to know what they are. so do youknow what is causing your high blood pressure? may be your doctor can tell you. may be youcan do a bit of research and find out for yourself. you need to know about all the causesthat are causing you high blood pressure. so what are some of the common causes? i’vedone a few videos on the causes of high blood pressure before, if you have some time, maybecheck them out. so, the common causes of high blood pressure:if you have a lot of stress and it hangs around and doesn’t go away; if you have depression;if you have anxiety. all of those causes can lead to high blood pressure. if you have achronic lung problem like asthma, emphysema,
cystic fibrosis. all of those problems canlead to high blood pressure. if you have anemia, that can also contribute to your high bloodpressure. if you smoke, it can cause lung damage; it can reduce the amount of oxygen in your bloodand cause high blood pressure. if you cannot sleep, if you have sleep apnea and cannothave a good night sleep every night it will increase your stress levels and lead to highblood pressure. if you have problems with alcohol abuse, medication abuse, taking toomuch medication too much alcohol, that may also lead to higher blood pressure. if yousuffer from other conditions like hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism, that may also lead to high blood pressure.so, it is very important for you to find out as much as you can about what is causing yourhigh blood pressure. until you remove the
causes there is no cure. also, it is veryimportant to know how these causes lead to high blood pressure. so if you know the mechanismsof how these causes lead to high blood pressure. like, how does smoking lead to high bloodpressure? how does depression lead to high blood pressure? if you know the mechanism,then you’ll be more effective at treating them. again, i’ve done a few videos on theseso check them out when you have some time. so, once you find out what is causing yourhigh blood pressure you can go back to the cure that you friend suggested to you to seewhether it is actually a cure for your high blood pressure. so let’s say your friendtells you eat some garlic, try and eat some garlic, it will cure you blood pressure. ok,there is no harm in eating garlic. so you
try it and it actually lower your blood pressure,so well done. so you go through the list, you go through the causes of your high bloodpressure and if it actually removes the causes then you give it a tick. ok, with garlic,can garlic remove your stress? can garlic remove all the stress that you have? maybenot!!! can garlic remove your depression, if you are suffering from depression? no!you try eating garlic and it doesn’t take your depression away. what about can garlicfix you asthma? may be not! can garlic make you quit smoking? no!!! ok, so maybe garlicis not a cure for your high blood pressure. ok, let’s try another cure. let’s trywatermelon. you’ve heard that watermelon can cure your high blood pressure. you eatwatermelon, you feel pretty good about yourself.
you take your blood pressure and it actuallylowers your blood pressure. ok, that’s good, and there is no harm in eating it right? soit’s worth a try. but is it actually a cure for your high blood pressure. so go throughthe list of causes that lead to high blood pressure. can eating watermelon fix you anemia?no! can eating watermelon fix your sleep apnea? no! you eat watermelon and you still snoreand have sleep apnea. what about can eating watermelon fix your chronic pains, if yousuffer a lot of pain everywhere. that’s also a cause of your high blood pressure.can eating watermelon fix your pain? no! you eat watermelon and you still suffer from backpain, neck pain, leg cramps and all sorts of stuff. so, maybe watermelon is not a curefor your high blood pressure. but it’s still
good to eat anyway.what about apple cider vinegar? you’ve heard that it’s pretty good and it cures blood pressure. soyou take some apple cider vinegar and it actually lowers your blood pressure, so you feel prettygood about yourself, but you want to know whether it is a cure for your high blood pressure.so, you go through the list of causes again. can taking apple cider vinegar fix your cysticfibrosis, or your copd or asthma problems? can it fix your depression, if you have severedepression? can it fix your anxiety? can it make you stop smoking? can drinking apple cider vinegar cure youranemia? maybe not! so, apple cider vinegar is not a cure for high blood pressure butit’s still good to take anyway. what about aloe vera? i’ve heard that aloevera is cure for high blood pressure. you
would go through the list again. can aloevera fix your depression? can it fix your anemia? can it remove your stress? can itremove all the causes of high blood pressure? no! it’s good to eat. it’s tasty, butit is not a cure. what about if someone tells you to do someexercise and within 2 weeks your blood pressure should go to normal and your blood pressureis cured. ok, exercise is good. you do the exercises and it works, but is it a cure?so, you go through the list again. can doing some breathing exercises fix your anemia?can doing some breathing exercises fix your sleeping problems? can it fix your pain? canit fix your stress, depression, anxiety? can it fix your cystic fibrosis? if the exercisescannot fix those problems then maybe breathing
exercises is good for your but it is not actuallya cure for your high blood pressure. now, another question! so if those thingsare good for you like garlic is good for you, watermelon is good for you, apple cider vinegaris good for you, breathing exercises is good for you. if you take those things, if youdo the exercises it wouldn’t cure your high blood pressure but it wouldn’t be a badthing is it, because you would do those things anyway. but is it? ok, there is a danger,and you should know because there is one thing that is working against you if you rely onthese cures or remedies. there is a danger. it is not bad for you but it is not very goodfor you. so, the one thing that works against you is time. time is something that you don’thave. so if you try garlic for a year and
hope for the best then time is working againstyou. if you try watermelon for a year and hope for the best then time is working againstyou. let me use the example of the knife again. so if all i do is take the medication to takeaway the pain for a year. i don’t have any pain in my finger anymore for a year. butduring that time, i continue to play with the knife. so in one year, i eat watermelon,i eat garlic, i take medication to get rid of the pain. during that one year, i haveignored the causes of high blood pressure. i have ignored the causes of the cut on myfinger. so, in that one year, i have one year’s worth of damages, one year’s worth of cutson my finger and that is dangerous. so, if you just take something and hope for the best,you can expect serious consequences. so what
are some of the consequences? i went throughthem before (in previous videos); you can see the damages that happen in your body.the damages include brain damage, damages to your blood vessels, damages to your heart,damages to your liver, damages to your kidney, damages to your stomach and digestive system,damage to your sexual organs. it will cause muscle and joint pains, muscle cramps. itwill lead to more suffering. you would have more problems with sleep. you would get moreagitated because you cannot sleep. you would get more sexual dysfunction. you would startarguing more. you would start losing more money because you have to spend time and moneyfixing other problems. you may end up with relationship problems and in the end if youhaven’t fixed the causes, the root causes
of your high blood pressure, you can expectto die a lot younger and suffer a lot more. so, all those so called cures are good. youtake them and hope for the best but you haven’t cured your problem. you can expect to havesevere consequences in the future. now, back to the original question, what isthe new breakthrough cure for high blood pressure? there is no magic pill. if you want your highblood pressure to be cured, you have to know what are causing your high blood pressureand work on them. do it the hard way. do it the proper way. don’t go for the quick fix.try and understand as much as you can about high blood pressure and remove the causes.do it the proper way and you would have a much better chance of getting rid of yourhigh blood pressure.
so, that’s all i want to say today. i’vebeen away for a while but i’m back and i’ll be doing more videos on high blood pressurein the future. so i would like to hear what you think. leave some comments, and if youlike the video maybe share the video around. maybe subscribe to this channel. i’ll bedoing more videos in the future. bye for now.